A 75year old farmer presented with chief complaints of anuria since 3 days and generalized weakness since 15 days.

Based on history:-

1. What triggered the back pain to relapse again after having no complaints since 5 years after treating it conservatively?

2. Was the anuria sudden or was it decreased urinary output which progressed to anuria?

3. History of chronic alcoholism is present but the patient says he was abstaining alcohol since 1 year are his findings correlating with his said history.

4. What investigations were done when he had back pain?

5. What was the treatment given to him 5 years back for back pain?

Based on examination and investigation:-

1. What are the reasons for pallor and edema?

2. What are the reasons for elevated urea levels in renal function tests?

3. What are the reasons for elevated creatinine levels in renal function tests?

4. What is the reason for low hemoglobin and increased neutrophils, lymphocytes?

5. Ultrasonography findings point to which kidney pathology?


1. Evaluating a patient for acute kidney injury

2. Interpreting a ultrasonography report and learning about various grades of RPD changes of kidney.

3. Causes of acute kidney injury:- pre-renal, renal and post renal.

4. Management options for AKI based on grading and clinical findings.

5. Importance of salt retention in cases of AKI with serum electrolyte imbalances.


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